qui., 15 de jul.
|Location is TBD Vote For your city!
crazyREGGAETON Finals - July 2021
1st Round of 25
Time & Location
15 de jul. de 2021, 18:00
Location is TBD Vote For your city!
About the Event
From Atlanta, Georgia and for the world, welcome to crazyReggaeton.Com. This showcase will host an online showcase, live performance showcases, and a GRAND FINALE SHOWCASE in a Marquee Venue (TBA) to show your talent and win a Grand Prize of $25K CA$H along with $25k production budget of your original song and official music video produced by well known professional producers of the music industry. 50 finalist will compete for the Gand Prize and Finale performance.
Date: July 15th - July 18th 2021
Venue: TBA Vote
ThursdayJuly 15th Doors open @ 6pm show starts @ 8pm - until.........
(25 artist will be selected for next round)
Friday July 16th Doors open @ 6pm show starts @ 8pm - until.........
(10 artist will be selected for next round)
Saturday July 17th Doors open @ 6pm show starts @ 8pm- until.........
(3 artist will be selected for Final Round)
Sunday July 18th Doors open @ 6pm show starts @ 8pm - until..........
(Grand Finale)
This showcase is one of a kind, and will be full of top Reggaeton talent from around the world. So be prepared and come ready to show us what you’ve got!!!
What Do I Need to Do to Enter?
1. Register @ www.crazyreggaeton.com and pay $100 participation fee (non - refundable).